"Working together to make everything better"

Careers, Education, Independent, Advice & Guidance

Wirral Hospitals’ School uses an independent careers advisor to support our Careers Education Information and Guidance programme [CEIAG].

All students from Year 10 onwards receive at least one 1:1 interview with a specialist advisor.

Here are the details of our lead advisor:

Faye Rafferty

Careers Adviser RCDP

Liverpool City Region Schools and Colleges

Email: frafferty@wirralhs.co.uk


Our CEIAG programme is delivered within our Learning for Life Curriculum

The school is in receipt of the Career Connect Quality Assurance Award.

The school also uses the Government’s new careers strategy, the ‘Gatsby Benchmark’, to measure our careers programme. At present we achieve 100% of the Gatsby benchmark. This will be reviewed at the end of this academic year. Click here to see what these benchmarks are. Please click here if you would like to see our provider access policy.

If you require any further information then please contact Mrs Helen O'Loughlin.

For further information regarding the Post-16 transition process please contact your child's Head of House.

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