SEND Information Report
Who are we?
Joseph Paxton Campus is a small school setting for children and young people who are unable to attend mainstream school and have been referred through medical services. The nominal roll caters for 80 students at KS3 and KS4, with the majority if students joining us at the end of KS3 or throughout KS4. All students have medical needs, which often involve aspects of mental health, e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Provision at JPC is available for young people up to full time education. Where full time provision is not appropriate for a student, however, acting on advice from specialist medical professionals, the provision can be directly tailored to the health and wellbeing of the young person.
Who is the school’s Special Education Coordinator (SENCO)?
The school’s Acting SENCO is Ms Hoey and she can be contacted on the school’s main number (0151 488 7680)
What curriculum do we offer?
The curriculum broadly reflects the National Curriculum at KS3 and KS4, allowing opportunities for student transition back into mainstream schools and further education. Again though, the curriculum and the choices of accreditation are adapted to the specific needs of each student. Students are encouraged to develop existing areas of strength and try new activities through a number of extra-curricular and enrichment programmes which take place during the school day and after school.
How are referrals made to the school?
Students are admitted via a referral system which considers medical evidence of needs. Referrals are usually initiated by schools following discussions with, and acting upon advice from, CAMHS and Community Paediatricians. Schools will often have an informal preliminary discussion with the Headteacher prior to making a formal referral.
A multidisciplinary panel meets every half term to consider whether or not the school is the most appropriate provision for the young person at that time. Key to this decision is whether the young person's existing school and parents/carers have worked together, along with other professionals, in an attempt to overcome the current barriers to education.
All students remain on their mainstream school roll and are dual-rolled to JPC. It is the ultimate aim of JPC staff to ensure that all students are able to return to mainstream education. We work closely with students, families, schools, and health staff to facilitate a return to mainstream education, as and when appropriate.
What SEN provision do we offer?
Students participate in a range of assessments during their 6 week induction period in order to ensure that appropriate support is provided to meet the complexities of their individual needs. These assessments include (where appropriate): Speech and Language Assessments, Social Thinking Assessments and a range of literacy and numeracy assessments. Only a small number of students arrive at the school with an EHCP, all of whom have co-morbid mental health issues that are unrelated to their primary SEND need. During their time at JPC, we regularly review each student’s progress and will, along with the student’s mainstream school make a referral for an EHCP assessment, if it is deemed appropriate. Students are encouraged to express their needs, priorities and aspirations through Person-Centred Plans and Person-Centred meetings.
The assessments and observations outlined above also inform the development of Individual Learning Plans during the student's first six weeks at JPC. These plans will specify the support and interventions that will be put in place for the students, along with their aspirations, as expressed through their Pupil Passport. These plans for support may include 1-1, small group or in class support as well as specifying the focus and type of specific intervention (e.g. sensory needs; sensory integration; Literacy, Numeracy and Social skills; ‘Social Thinking’ programmes).
The effectiveness of the provision is monitored by the whole-school tracking and monitoring system, as well as individual intervention monitoring and reporting.
There is an open door policy with regard to communication, support and progress.
What additional and wider support is offered by the school?
Wirral Hospitals' Schools works closely with students and their families in identifying the wider support necessary to aid families in understanding and meeting the needs of our young people, who often have very complex difficulties. This involves close communication and consultation with parents and carers and appropriate outside agencies. The SENCO works closely with the Safeguarding Lead in supporting emotional needs and wider engagement. This wider engagement includes access to activities alongside young people who do not have Special Educational Needs. The Safeguarding and Attendance Lead, Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children, Head of House and SENCO work closely with students and families during times of transition to ensure educational, emotional, social, communication and practical needs are considered carefully to ensure success.
Parents are encouraged to build good relationships with the school and become involved in activities and facilities available to them. If a parent needs to stay on site in order to help their child integrate into JPC, there is a room available where they can stay for all or part of the school day.
Students are encouraged to express their views about wider aspects of the school, its pastoral care and provision, and includes consultation over the measures taken to prevent bullying. All students are encouraged to take part in anti-bullying week, where students take part in awareness raising activities organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The outcomes of these activities are reinforced throughout the year. In addition, the school strives through various means (including online surveys and discussion groups) to ensure that the voice of young people is heard in relation to all key decisions. The school is supported by ongoing involvement from the strong Governing Body. Governors are responsible for the strategic direction of the school and ensuring students make progress, as well as monitoring the areas of leadership and management, behaviour and safety, Quality of teaching and SMSC through an evaluation cycle.
What specialist Services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
· School employs an independent Speech and Language Therapist.
· Access to Local Authority and Health Services (e.g. Educational Psychology, CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapy)
· The Virtual School Head and her team
· Independent Careers Advisor
· School Nurse
What training and experience have the staff supporting young people with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities had or are having?
All staff are involved in ongoing CPD aimed at meeting the needs of students with mental health conditions, as well as a range of SEND needs that impact on students' mental health, well-being and readiness to learn. Staff are highly experienced in engaging and motivating students who are anxious and/or avoidant.
Ongoing CPD is given to meet individual needs of students (e.g.PTSD, Speech and Language, Social Thinking, Sensory Integration, Safeguarding, and Mental Health).
CAMHS provide regular input and support for whole school and individual needs around various aspects of supporting mental health needs.
We have a fully qualified English teacher to manage our Literacy Intervention Programmes.
- Our school building is fully accessible for wheelchair users
- Accessible toilets
- Our work for Autism Accreditation Status has ensured that both the curriculum and physical environment are fully accessible for all students
- Individualised learning plans ensure that all lessons are fully accessible for all students
Who can I contact if I have any queries about my child?
General School Contact Details:
Address: Wirral Hospitals' School
Joseph Paxton Campus
157 Park Road North
CH41 0DD
Phone: 0151 488 7680
School Website:
What if I have a complaint about the SEN support my child is receiving at JPC?
We work very closely with our familes, so complaints are, thankfully, extremely rare. However, if you are concerned that your child is not getting the right SEN support for their identtified needs, please contact their House team in the first instance. If you are still not satisfied, please write in directly to the Headteacher, Mr Arrowsmith, clearly outlining the nature of your concern and the communication you've had in an attempt to resolve matters. Mr Arrowsmith, or his appointed Deputy, will respond within 24 hours of receiving your letter to begin the investigation process.
In the very unusual circumstance of you being unhappy with the outcome of any investigation, please raise your concerns in writing to the Chair of Governors.
The Local Offer
The local offer website sets out what services, support and advice are available for children in Wirral if they have special educational needs or a disability. You can visit the website by clicking here.
For all queries relating to Special Educational Needs you can contact either:
· Ms Hoey (Acting SENCO) on the main school number 0151 488 7680.
· For all other Pastoral concerns you should contact the school office who will put you in touch with your child’s House team.
· If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your concern then you can follow the complaints procedure outlined in our complaints policy. This can be found under the policies section on the Homepage.