"Working together to make everything better"

Who Should I Contact?

This page is to provide a list to parents/carers of the people in school they may need to contact.

For all enquiries please call the main school number, 0151 488 7680.

If you can see who to call from the list below, please ask to be put through to them. If not, the admin team will be happy to help direct you.

Blue House - Mrs O'Loughlin or Mrs Bimpson

Green House - Ms Hoey or Mrs Marshall

For SEN Information or advice - Mrs Owen-Petkova

For Safeguarding concerns or advice - Mrs McArdle

For Maths or Science enquiries - Mr Little

For English, Humanities or MFL enquiries - Mrs Cooney

For enquiries about any other subjects - Please call the main school office

For GCSE or BTEC exam enquiries - Mr McMillan

For information relating to the Governing body, including how to contact the Chair of Governors - Mrs Jones